Spanning an array of genres, Ezra Furman’s newly released album, Perpetual Motion People, recorded with his band The Boyfriends, can move fluidly from indie rock stompers to country ballads in a heartbeat, bypassing rockabilly on the way and throwing in a punk song for good measure. It is a definite all rounder that caters to many tastes and views. Interwoven with catchy tunes and heartbreaking melodies are beautifully poetic lyrics with the ability to express a thousand feelings in just one line, and give a Syd Barrett/David Bowie-esque vibe elsewhere. There is no definitive style to this album and its versatility really makes it a stand out collection of tracks; in a way the uniqueness of every track makes the album feel like Frankenstein's monster but in an oddly wonderful way. Although there is differentiation throughout, one thing that is always certain with every song is that Furman’s strained, Jack White style vocals will always be present with an almighty force.
Perpetual Motion People opens with Furman’s two singles; Restless Year and Lousy Connection; both of which radiate feel good, summery vibes with a side serving of doo-wop (clear in the schmoop-schmoops/ shdududums). Lousy Connection, Furman's second single from PMP, bores into your mind and clings on for days ensuring no concentration is kept on other activities; unarguably an earworm. This song juxtaposes delightfully with the somber melancholy of Ordinary Life, whose hard hitting, reality filled lyrics make you want to spark some sort of revolution against the painful normality of everyday life; merging this with lyrics of motivation and inspiration nearer the end (“you’re allowed to do anything you’ve gotta do”) gives the track the feeling of a speech to thousands of eager listeners.
Ezra Furman is quite contrary to this with a rather small, limited audience revelling in his obscurity, but already in England the Chicagoan is getting more and more recognition everyday. Having appeared on the most recent series of Later...with Jools Holland, Furman is playing larger and larger venues.
5/5 - A must have album and an artist you desperately need in your record collection.
Written by Hannah Lee
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