“Gritty yet poetic”, no more needs to be said about London 4 piece Telegram. Having formed just under two years ago their repertoire is limited, only releasing songs every 6 months or so, but every song, so far, has been a gem giving us an exclusive insight into the band themselves and what they have to offer. Their live energy is infectious and has been inimitably preserved in the three singles prior; Aeons is no different.
When this vital energy is tied in with an enigmatic aura, eight seconds of a pounding bass line are all you need to be drawn into their idiosyncratic world of blistering guitars and ghostly vocals. Aeons, like all their previous singles, has arrived clad in black and ready to latch onto your brain with its catchy glam-psych swirl of incomprehensible noise.
Needle In The Camel's Eye was always a song I could imagine Telegram covering, so seeing it as the b-side to Aeons filled me with anticipation and dread at the same time. Upon striking the first few chords it was clear there had been no need for dread and that this was going to be a brilliant rendition. Telegram's depiction of the Eno classic contains grumbly vocals, a much heavier guitar sound than the original and discreet harmonies. This cover proves how avant-garde and revolutionary Brian Eno was in the 70s as the song isn't at all out of place in the modern music scene.
4.8/5 would recommend to anyone searching for something interesting and original.
Written by Hannah Lee
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